Singur de Sarbatori?
Romanii sunt naturali
Campania asta realizata de ROM imi place foarte mult!
Se stie ca romanii sunt nepatrioti si neincrezatori, ca sunt carcotasi, cauta nod in papura, se lamenteaza si in general sunt niste plangaciosi. Iar asta fiindca dupa ’89 au asteptat sa le fie oferit de-a gata tot ce aveau cei din vest… Nu li s-a oferit, s-au comparat mereu cu ceilalti, au incercat sa-i imite, insa au avut mereu frustrarea banilor mai putini (e scump sa te imbraci de la Prada si Armani) si a strazilor mai proaste. Ganditi-va doar la cat de mult folosesc engleza in limbajul curent tinerii. Ganditi-va si la directia in care a evoluat muzica noastra pop:
Mai mult decat atat, faceti un scurt sondaj printre prieteni. Unde si-ar dori sa-si faca urmatoarea vacanta? Spania, Grecia, Austria, Olanda, Anglia, Venezuela? Cati dintre ei vor spune ca vor sa viziteze Bucovina, Maramures, Lacul Sf. Ana, Muntii Rodnei sau imprejurimile Sighisoarei? Si motivul nu este ca aici au mai fost. N-au mai fost, cei mai multi, insa au impresia ca e mai cool sa vizitezi alta tara. Au si impresia ca tara asta nu e frumoasa… Si gresesc.
Cum spuneam acum ceva timp: “Tara asta… cei mai multi romani trebuie doar sa o vada cu alti ochi. Si cum e greu sa vezi ceva vechi cu ochi noi, cineva trebuie sa-ti imprumute ochii lui. Sorin Onisor are ochii noi, de bebelus si de artist, prin care toti romanii ar trebui sa vada. Atunci vor deveni un pic mai mandri, mai fericiti si mai patrioti :)”
De cate ori n-am auzit prieteni sau colegi vorbind cu oameni din alte tari care venisera in vizita sau erau interesati de Romania, spunand ca aici nu… aici n-avem… aici nici nu se pune problema… Cei care sunt de obicei foarte inteligenti fac asta si cred ca stiu de ce sunt cinici. Cand este vorba despre ceva romanesc in opozitie cu ceva strain, sunt neloiali si tradeaza, situandu-se de partea cealalta a baricadei (imaginare), din dorinta de a se confunda cu ceilalti si a fugi de responsabilitatea actualei Romanii.
Oricum, parca li se pune o panza pe ochi. Daca exact aceleasi peisaje/ cladiri/ evenimente de aici s-ar fi aflat in alta tara le-ar fi apreciat de zeci de ori mai mult. Si la fel, cand se afla in vizita undeva cad in extaz in fata unei statui sau a unui turnulet de parca in viata lor n-ar mai fi vazut ceva asa de minunat…
Ok, daca asa vreti, hai sa facem un exercitiu. Vedeti urmatoarele fotografii, prin prisma titlului:
Palacio Real, Madrid
Hristos Mantuitorul, Rio de Janeiro
The Troll Path, Norway
Va plac mai mult, le puteti aprecia mai mult acum? 🙂
M-am tot gandit la care ar putea fi atributele specifice romanilor. Si pentru ca ei sunt un pic aparte, fiind similari in multe privinte cu celelalte popoare balcanice, slave, insa semanand mult cu latinii (intelegem italiana si spaniola daca vrem, fara sa fi facut niciodata cursuri) a fost dificil. Totusi, m-am gandit a mitologia romaneasca, la povestile noastre despre care am scris putin aici si aici, si la faptul ca in Romania inca gasesti naturalul. Romanii sunt naturali.
Statistic vorbind, nivelul de trai ridicat este direct proportional cu drogurile, alcoolismul, obezitatea, divorturile si consumul excesiv, anti-ecologic. Este direct proportional si cu iluziile in care traiesc oamenii, intr-o lume a brandurilor si produselor culturale propagandistice. In Romania, am intalnit, mai mult decat in alte tari, mai mult adevar. Mai multa autenticitate a sufletelor. Mai mult natural 🙂 Sa lasam cateva fotografii ale lui Sorin Onisor sa ne vorbeasca:
Urmariti albumul Carpathians’ Garden si stati un pic pe ganduri, despre romani si Romania. Apoi documentati-va mai mult, vizitati, mergeti la spectacolele Companiei Passe-Partout si fiti ingaduitori. Puneti accent pe lucruri frumoase! 🙂

This inspires me
- Intellect: Thinker
- Skills: Performer
- Emotions: Instructor
- Dynamism: Innovator
Your Core Skills
Confident and articulate you are a people-person and a gifted facilitator. You have the ability to inspire and motivate a team. You thrive when you’re the centre of attention and feed off the energy of the group. You enjoy rational thinking assessing problems carefully from all angles before reaching a conclusion. Original thought and innovation comes naturally to you.
Potential Areas Of Weakness
You can get quite addicted to group dynamics and sometimes find it hard to work quietly on your own. You think and talk big but this can be at the expense of focus on routine planning and organisational tasks. The practical details may not be so exciting to you but that doesn’t mean you can neglect them. You need to make sure you listen as well as lead.
Areas You Might Want To Work On
- Make a conscious effort to enjoy working alone from time to time rather than seeking an audience as a natural leader there is always room to improve your listening skills so that all team members feel valued and integrated work hard at giving the necessary attention to time management and organisational tasks
Careers That May Suit You
Optimism barometer
Here’s an indication of your optimism levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.
Energy meter
Here’s an indication of your energy levels based on the VisualDNA that you haved shared with us.
Your Detailed Personality Assessment
Winning the respect and loyalty of your colleagues comes easily to you. You feel very at home in the limelight and are a natural when it comes to enthusing and inspiring those around you. But how often do you sit down and really think about ways that you could use your wonderful unique skills to truly make the impact that you would like You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you perform to your highest abilities in everything that you do.
You’re quite a maverick at heart. Not for you the traditional paths of career development. You have true entrepreneurial flair and are always thinking of new and original ways to get ahead in life. It’s good to keep things fresh. You like variety and may feel frustrated in a work set-up which limits your potential for self-expression. Being your own boss is definitely appealing to you.
Life may feel quite stark to you right now. It’s sometimes hard to see a way out of the daily grind as if you’re stuck on a treadmill with no way of getting off. Work worries are only adding to your general stress level. You’re naturally quite a sensitive person. You don’t like uncertainty and prefer to feel secure.
The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. And it seems that you have your priorities right. You have a very bright disposition and generally see the positive side of things. You know yourself well and know what you need to feel good. The only danger is that sometimes you may lack the go-getting energy that can be beneficial in driving your career forwards.
The Future
Maybe things have got a bit stale at work and you feel like you’ve outgrown your current job or perhaps you’re feeling super ambitious and want make your mark with a big career move. Either way it’s time for a change. Moving on is a really positive decision since it affords fantastic growth opportunities and learning experiences. You may feel like you’re a bit stuck for ideas right now. It’s important that you really try to listen to your inner voice and ask what it is that you want from life. By being true to yourself you’ll find that the inspiration will flow and allow you to develop and shine in the most amazing ways.
Wild cat

What would spark a conversation with you?

What makes you feel free?

What's your favourite drink?
“You can be both calm and peaceful and you like to feel free to explore your environment. You can be a little nostalgic and you love revisiting familiar places and memories. Your choice of drink shows that you care about your health and make sure you’re putting the right stuff in. When it comes to holidays you’ll take experience over comfort every time whether under canvas or under the stars. You love the chance to be in the wilderness and relish the freedom of being in charge of where you’re heading.”

What's one of life's little pleasures?

Right now, what would you most like to be doing?
“As for the home you’re a bit of a traditionalist. You like to feel cozy and comfortable. Family time is top of the pops for you. You want to savor every precious moment. Life doesn’t get any better. For kicks you like to be spoilt rotten. It’s always so much fun opening gifts. Nothing beats that kind of surprise.”

What's your style of bedroom?

What's your kind of excitement?
“When it comes to art you appreciate flair and precision. Highbrow and in the know you’ve got an eye for fine detail. You love nothing more than a music gig in the open air with a bunch of friends and a couple of drinks. You get a real buzz from watching a live performance – there’s no better escape. You love being a little bit naughty. Nothing beats getting up close and personal with the object of your affection! When you think of freedom you think of hanging out with good friends. You’re always happy to make the first leap.”
- What is art to you?
- How do you like to enjoy music?
- How do you like to be entertained?
“And what turns you off It might sound cruel – but half man half wolf That’s gross! For you friendship is all about being there for one another. It’s so precious to know that there are a few special people in the world that you can always rely on.”
- What will you treat yourself to next?
- What will your next holiday be?
- Which one grosses you out?
- Which landscape do you like the most?
- What do you think the best thing about friends is?
- What’s your goal this year?
Mierea din mine
Il vad cum vine zambind, stralucind, spre mine
E atat de frumos –
ca soarele ce se joaca prin iarba frageda si fina
ca painea alba scoasa din cuptor
e o cascada firava ce se prelinge prin muschi
e un albatros in zbor, deasupra oceanului.
Vine incet, zambind sincer si ma strange in brate.
“Buna!”, ma anunta.
“Buna…”, zic eu.
Scoate apoi o seringa cu varful otelit.
“Hai sa te vindec!”
“Haide…” zic eu.
Ne asezam pe jos, ii dau bratul, iar el imi cauta vena.
Simt cum infige acul incet, prin pielea subtire. Nu simt nicio durere.
Apoi incepe sa impinga si lichidul vascos din seringa intra in mine.
E un lichid auriu, vascos si dulce. Miere pare sa fie.
“Miere din productie proprie. Polenul florilor din gradina mea!”
E atat de placut. Gandurile triste incep sa dispara, agitatia se linisteste.
Ma simt atat de bine. E ca o mangaiere usoara a vantului, peste tot, pe dinauntru.
Sunt o prajitura.
Si totusi… mierea e grea. In curand incepe sa mi se faca somn. Si aproape adorm.
E o placuta senzatie de somn, vise placute, sirop de flori si soare caldut.
Tot ce am fost pana atunci dispare, tot ce imi doream sa fiu am uitat.
Lumea se misca lent in jur, ca prin ceata. Zambind, ma las usor pe spate,
si raman acolo pe veci. Imbalsamata, nemuritoare, ca o sotie de faraon.
Cand mierea s-a terminat, el incepe sa construiasca in jurul meu
o piramida.